Exercise Equipment for Desks

So you want to stop wasting time sitting at your desk and do some standing, moving around and if you are like me, you are also looking for some ways in which to get a little exercise in while working at your desk.

This post has a lot of information about the exercise equipment I have used or my friends have used but here is the short version: I like the Flexispot standing desk exercise bike ( click to view on Amazon). It is adjustable, sits nicely right under your standing desk, and has wheels to easily move it out of the way when it is time to stand at your desk.

Remember that we all have grand ideas and motivation in the beginning of our desire to get in shape and exercise. Be realistic and don’t start buying things that you are never going to use.

These Are the Top 3 Standing Desk Exercise Bikes

The Flexispot Sit-Stand Desk Exercise Bike ( click here to check the current pricing on Amazon) – this is the one I chose. See my reasons why below. This is about the mid-way price point.

The Exerpeutic ExerWorK 1000 Exercise Bike ( click here to check the current pricing on Amazon) – This one is a lower price point but the reason I did not buy this one is the slanted position which is really uncomfortable for working. This desk exercise bike comes with its own desk and I think that is the reason why.

The FitDesk Desk Exercise Bike with Massage Bar ( click here to check the current pricing on Amazon)- This is a lower price point desk bike. This one you will be able to use at a standing desk but the seat is very uncomfortable. You will not be able to sit for long periods of time, most likely no more than 30 minutes at a time.

Why I Chose the Flexispot Sit-Stand Desk Exercise Bike

Truth be told, I don’t love to exercise. I would rather work. I love my business. I don’t always have time to get to the gym. I swim most days in the summer and in the winters I walk. Where I live it is warm and hot all year round and I refuse to walk in the heat.

I also am not very coordinated so many of the popular exercise items that can be used at my desk were very difficult for me to use.

With this standing desk bike I can easily work and ride the bike at the same time. I actually get on it and exercise. That is saying a lot. If you are a procrastinator or are not a super huge fan of exercising this exercise bike for your standing desk is the best solution.

This exercise bike also comes with an attachable desk if you don’t have your stand-up desk yet. You can use the desk that comes with the bike.

More reasons why the standing desk exercise bike is the best choice:

  1. The exercise bike is compact enough that it won’t get in your way
  2. It is comfortable
  3. It is easy to work on the computer with tasks like email, web browsing, social media tasks, and writing while riding the bike.
  4. You can track your performance
  5. The seat is adjustable – super important
  6. It is low impact exercise
  7. There are 8 levels of resistance
  8. It is quiet so if you are using it in an office you share with others, you won’t disturb them.
  9. There is no major assembly. The only thing you have to do is add the seat with an Allen wrench.

If you have not done any riding on a stationary or street bicycle lately, I would reconsider getting this exercise bike until you are fit to use one. Ask your doctor too.

There are a lot of different kinds of exercise equipment you can use next to or under your desk. The main thing is: how distracting is the equipment and are you really going to follow through and do it.

One of my favorite exercise pieces in my house is my mini-jumper because it folds and does not take up a lot of space. It does not however, fit under my desk.

When I use my jumper I am also listening to podcasts or watching videos from one of the courses I purchased to bring my business to the next level.

I spent quite a bit of time looking and trying different exercise equipment that is supposedly great for when you are working at your desk and I still settled on the Flexispot sit-stand desk exercise bike from Amazon.

Features to look for in exercise equipment for your standing desk

  • Comfort is number one or you won’t use it
  • Easy to assemble, or again, you won’t use it
  • Sturdy and strong so it does not fall apart soon
  • Practical – I give you some ideas below:)
  • Easy to use- or again, you won’t use it for long

You want to make sure whatever you decide to buy to help you exercise while you are working, that you will actually use it.

If you make it to the gym at least 3 times per week during your work weeks, then you will be able to stick to a desk exercise product.

But if you signed up to your local gym but never ever go… then you have a deeper issue with exercise and no product you buy will be the magic answer.

I think the number one thing I should add to what features you look for is your own mental commitment in actually doing the work.

Other Standing Desk Exercise Equipment

A very popular exercise for your standing desk is a balance board.

The one I like is part of the anti-fatigue mat that will save you some money because you buy the balance board which serves both purposes.

I like the FEZIBO Balance Board with the Anti- Fatigue Mat built-in, (click to check current price on Amazon).

At first I had quite the time trying to get balanced and work at the same time because I am not very coordinated. But over time, I did get used to the board and it works better than the other boards I tried.

Most of the ones I have tried before, I could not gain my balance, or the board was too wobbly and annoying.

The FEZIBO balance board has an ergonomic design and has a stabilizer in it.

I also bought a balance ball before. Boy, that was super annoying. I kept falling off the ball. It was way too much work and effort so there was no way I could stay balanced on the ball and work at the same time.

I do not recommend the balance balls. If you want something like the ball, I recommend the balance board.

If you still like the balance balls, there are a variety of options on Amazon, click here to see them.

About Desk Exercise Bikes and Standing Desk Exercise Bikes

This is still a new area and there are not that many choices out there yet. The standing desk popularity only started a few years ago and it is picking up steam. I am sure in the future there will be better and more versatile designs for exercise bikes you can fit under your standing stand and get a good workout while you are working.

I had a very hard time finding one and did a lot of research. I did not want to spend over $400 for one. There are some quite pricey ones for sale on speciality sites online.

My goal is to get more fit and active while I am working. Standing at your desk only burns a few calories more than sitting, but sitting is really not good for your posture and back. I want to get healthier and more fit.

I hope you do too!